Saturday, April 11th 2020


2 rounds of:
5 inchworm to perfect stretch on each leg
5 yoga pushups
10 feet together squats
10 arm circles backwards + 10 forwards
10 down up jumping jacks

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

For time:
100 double unders (Or 200 single unders or 100 lateral hops over db)
75 air squats
25 burpees
10 rounds of single db DT alternating arms each round**
25 burpees
75 air squats
100 double unders
*24 minute time cap
** 1 round of DT is 12 deadlifts-9 hang power cleans-6 push jerks
*If you do round 1 with left arm, round 2 is with right arm, keep switching till you finish 10 rounds total, 5/arm. On deadlifts and hang power cleans keep db between the feet.

Bodyweight WOD

For total time:
squat jacks
alternating pistols
wall sit marches
Rest 1 minute
Then 21-15-9
backpack floor press
handstand or elevated shoulder taps
Rest 1 minute
Then 15-12-9
squat jacks
wall-sit marches
Rest 1 minute
Then 15-12-9
backpack floor press
handstand or elevated shoulder press
*For a squat jack, start with feet together, jump out into a squat and ride it down. As you stand up, jump the feet back together.
*For wall-sit marches, sit in a wall-sit with the feet close together. Lift one foot off the ground at a time. Alternate feet.

Accessory Ab Work

12×30 seconds on 15 seconds off:
1) leg lifts plus hip extension
2) right side plank hip raises
3) flutter kicks (holding weight locked out above chest)
4) left side plank hip raises
