Sunday, April 12th 2020

Functional Bodybuilding

2 Rounds
10 Alt. Reverse Plank Bridges
10 Body Weight Windmills/side
10 Prisoner Kneeling to Standing

A1) Butterfly Z-Press: 6-8/side
A2) Cross-Body Single Leg RDL: 8-10/Leg; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

B1) Perfect Push-up Complex: 6 Reps
B2) DB/KB Pendlay Row: 8/side
B3) Front Rack Curtsy Squat: 10/side; Rest 2min x 3 sets

C) 3 Sets for Quality
10 Plank to DB/KB
10 OH Kneeling to Standing (5/arm)
10 Pull-Over Sit-ups
