Monday, April 13th 2020


2 rounds of:
10 alternating leg kicks
5/leg single leg glute bridges
10 ankle taps in down dog position
10 scap pushups
10 bent over flies holding light objects
10 jumping lunges + 10 jumping air squats

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD
*See facebook video for demo of Z-press, single db renegade row pushups and leg lifts holding weight

A) For quality:
single DB Z-press/arm
weighted kang squat
single db renegade row pushup
leg lifts (lying down holding db locked out over chest)
*For Z press, reps are per arm. So round of 10, do 10 on left and 10 on right
*On kang squat hold db or kb on the back of the shoulders
*One rep of renegade row pushup is one row plus one pushup. Then switch hands.

B) 2 rounds of
30 second plank shoulder taps + 30 second forward leaning plank
Rest 30 seconds
20 second hollow rocks + 20 second hollow hold
Rest 30 seconds
30 second wall sit + 30 second wallsit marches

Bodyweight WOD
*See facebook video for clarification on plank to pushup, demo of backpack clean + lunge complex and demo of step downs, glute marches and chinese plank

A) 12 minute AMRAP
10 reps of (1 backpack clean into 2 front rack alternating lunges)
30 mountain climbers
10 plank to pushup

B) 3-4 rounds for quality of:
10 bent over backpack rows
(Can sub ring rows or strict pull-ups if you have the equipment to do those)
5/leg slow step downs
16 alternating glute marches
1 minute chinese plank or sub 30 second arch hold
