Tuesday, April 14th 2020


2 rounds of:
1 minute jump rope or jumping jacks or cardio
5/side straight leg kick into reverse lunge
20-30 second handstand hold
30ft tabletop bear crawl
30ft duck walk

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am): https://zoom.us/j/937394320?pwd=T1RoZXRxSTNDMVhQNERJNEJLM3N2Zz09

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am): https://zoom.us/j/798729293?pwd=cUxFZS9RODJwdk5sSGpaYnB4emVmdz09

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 4 rounds for total time
Run 400m*
12 alternating db muscle snatches
24 lateral hops over db
9 alternating db power snatches
18 lateral hops over db
6 alternating db squat snatches
12 lateral hops over db
Rest 3 minutes after every round
*For run, you can sub 1:45-2:00 of jump roping or 2 rounds of 50 high knees-50 butt kicks
*If you can’t do a db squat snatch, try to catch it in a low power position

B) 3 rounds of:
5/side sliding cossack squats *
6-8/side tempo db floor press (3 second lower)
1 minute plank
*Search SFCF members facebook group for “sliding cossack squats” and you will find video of me demoing it and scaling options

Bodyweight WOD

A) 10 rounds for time of:
10 tuck jumps
10 tuck ups
10 down ups
10 step-ups
EMOM 7 backpack thrusters

*24 minute time cap
*Workout flow: Every minute starts with 7 backpack thrusters. Remainder of the minute chip away at the 10 rounds of 4 movements. Make sure you keep tally of your rounds.
*Scaling options: 8 reps of each movement and 5 backpack thrusters
*Tuck ups are like a V-up but with the knees tucked to make them easier
*Step-ups can be onto a bench, chair or box. It doesn’t have to be very high. Sub alternating lunges if you don’t have equipment for these

B) 8 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 5 tempo pushups (3 seconds down-3 seconds up, no pause at top or bottom)
2) 1 wall walk + 10 shoulder taps
*If you do tempo correctly, 5 pushups should take 30 seconds. Modify to hands on an elevated surface to keep these pushups strict and full range of motion
