Wednesday, April 15th 2020


2 rounds of
30 seconds skaters
30 second wall-sit with arms locked out overhead
10 PVC pipe/broomstick pass throughs
10 PVC pipe/broomstick overhead squats
8 alternating bird dogs with pause on each rep (See facebook video for demo)

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 10 minute alternating EMOM
1) Max reps db/kb weighted box step-ups
2) 10-15 pushups
*sub db lunges if you don’t have anything to step on. Keep push-ups strict and full range of motion. Modify to hands on bench/sofa/box if needed

Rest 2 minutes then

B) 21-15-9
burpees over db
goblet jumping squats*
*Hold db or kb in goblet position and perform a jumping air squat

Bodyweight WOD

*See facebook video for demo of all the movements in the EMOM
20 minute alternating EMOM:
1) Max reps 2 jumping lunges + 1 broad jump
2) Max reps backpack bent over row + curl to press
3) Max reps pushup to squat
4) Max reps knees to standing (backpack locked out overhead)
5) rest

Ab Accessory Work

leg lifts
toe touches
*During leg lifts, keep hands under butt. For toe touches, lay on your back with feet straight in the air and crunch up to touch your toes

Function Bodybuilding @ 7am

2 Rounds
6 Yoga Push-ups w/Hip Tap
8 Side Plank Rotations
10 Alternating Cone Touches
12 Hip Hinge Ys

A1) Half-Kneeling Thor Press: 6-8 Reps/arm
A2) Cross-body Split RDL: 8-10 Reps/side; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

B1) Upright Row: 6-8 Reps/side
B2) Offset Push-up: 6-8 Reps/side
B3) Chop and Lift: 6-8 Reps/side; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

C) 3 Set Ab Finisher
15 L Crunches
15 Prisoner Arch-ups
