Friday, April 17th 2020


10 dead bugs
5 tempo goblet squats
5 inchworm to pushup
10 glute bridges
10 RDLs

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) Accessory work
Go every 5 minutes for 4 rounds
10-12 lat pullovers
5-6/side tempo goblet bulgarian split squats (slow descent)
1 turkish get-up/side
45-60 second chinese plank

B) For time:
10 single arm alternating db manmakers*
20 goblet squats
15 single arm alternating db devils press
20 goblet squats
15 single arm alternating db devils press
20 goblet squats
10 single arm alternating db manmakers
*14 minute time cap
*For single db manmakers, perform a strict pushup with one hand on the db. With that hand, perform one renegade row. Then stand up and perform a cluster (clean + thruster). Switch hands on next rep

Bodyweight WOD

A) 20 minute AMRAP:
Run 400m
Then 2 rounds of
(10 rotational mountain climbers per side + 10 pushups)
Run 200m
Then 2 rounds of
(12 backpack/odd object overhead lunges + 12 backpack/odd object ground to overhead)

*So you will run 400, then do 2 rounds of the couplet, run 200m, then 2 rounds of the other couplet. Repeat for 20 minutes.
* If you cannot run, you can sub roughly 2 minutes of jump roping for 400m and 1 minute for 200m.
* Or you can sub 50 jumping jacks for the 200m run and 2 rounds of 50 high knees + 50 butt kicks for the 400m run.

B) 3x:
30 second plank hold + 30 second bear crawl in + outs
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of V-ups
Rest 30 seconds
