Saturday, April 18th 2020


2 rounds of:
30 plate taps
30ft duck walk with arms locked out overhead
8-10 kang squats
8-10 large arm circles in kneeling tabletop position
20 second plank + 5 tempo pushups

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 5×3 minutes on 1 minute off AMRAP:
4 burpees over kb/db
6 jumping lunges
8 kb/db swings
*You can start back at the beginning each round, or where you left off.

B) For quality:
left arm Arnolds press
right arm Arnolds press
left arm bent over row
right arm bent over row
*Controlled tempo throughout

Bodyweight WOD

A) 1 minute AMRAP burpee tuck jumps
1 minute rest
1 minute AMRAP jumping air squats
1 minute rest
2 minute AMRAP burpee step ups
1 minute rest
2 minute AMRAP backpack/odd object thrusters
1 minute rest
3 minute AMRAP down ups
1 minute rest
3 minute AMRAP goblet squats
*Hold backpack/odd object in front

B) 9 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 10-12 bent over rows (Or sub ring rows or strict pullups if you can)
2) 10-16 rainbow planks
3) 30 second arch/superman hold
