Monday, April 20th 2020


30 mountain climbers
2 wall walks + 10 second handstand hold at top of each or sub 2 inchworm out past plank
30 mountain climbers
Hold bottom of squat and bring arms from the ground to locked out overhead 10x. Then do 10 air squats
20 mountain climbers
10 yoga pushups
20 mountain climbers
10 unweighted single leg RDLs/leg

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) Crossfit Support Your Local Box WOD #3

50 db deadlifts (2×50/35lb)
50 abmat situps
50 box step ups (24/20″)
50 single arm db thrusters (1×50/35lb) (25/side)

*If you only have one db, sub 35 suitcase deadlifts per arm
*If you don’t have something high enough to step on, do the step ups to a lower height while holding a db. If you don’t have anything to step on, sub lunges.

B) For quality:
strict pushup
shoulder taps in plank
hollow rock

Bodyweight WOD

For quality:

jumping bulgarian split squats per leg
backpack bent over row + curl to strict press
odd object overhead squat
hand release pushup
chair dip
2x hollow rocks
*Search members facebook page for “Jumping bulgarian split squats” to see video demo of it. For overhead squats, find a broomstick or any object you can hold overhead and squat. If you have good mobility you can use your backpack.
