Tuesday, April 21st 2020


15x 20 seconds on 15 seconds off alternating between:
1) skaters
2) right side plank
3) db/odd object deadlifts
4) left side plank
5) AMRAP 2 shoulder taps + 2 ankle taps

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am): https://zoom.us/j/937394320?pwd=T1RoZXRxSTNDMVhQNERJNEJLM3N2Zz09

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am): https://zoom.us/j/798729293?pwd=cUxFZS9RODJwdk5sSGpaYnB4emVmdz09

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 20 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 12-14 kb sumo deadlift high pulls + 12-14 lateral hops over kb
2) 12-14 single arm kb/db OH alternating lunges
*See SFCF members page for video of db modifications for SDHPs.
*For OH lunges, do all reps with one arm overhead. The next round switch the arm that is overhead.

B) For quality:
3 rounds of:
10/arm glute bridge floor press
5-8/side single arm db OH squat
16 db plank pass throughs
*Controlled tempo on floor press and OH squats

Bodyweight WOD

A) 5 rounds, each for time. Rest 2 minutes after each round.

13 down ups
12 backpack clean and jerks
11 broad jumps
10 backpack clean and jerks
9 lateral jumping squats over backpack
8 backpack clean and jerks

B) 3 rounds for quality:
10 plank tuck jumps
20 glute marches
5 slow pistols per leg (3 seconds down-3 seconds up)
*See SFCF members Facebook page for video demo of plank tuck jumps
