Wednesday, April 22nd 2020


10 bird dogs
10 weighted good mornings
10 alternating perfect stretch
10 down ups
5 hand release pushups with 2 second pause when hands release from ground

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes complete:
50 double unders (sub 75 single unders or 35 jumping jacks)
6 left arm db hang clean and jerks + 10 left arm db push press
25 prisoner air squats
6 right arm db hang clean and jerks + 10 right arm db push press
10 burpees over db
*See video on SCFC members facebook page for demo of prisoner air squats
*If not getting 90 seconds rest, reduce reps of air squats and burpees

B) Accessory work
12×30 seconds on 20 seconds off alternating between:
1) left arm db suitcase carry wall sit
2) max rep bent over rows or ring rows or pullups
3) right arm db suitcase carry wall sit
4) superman arch hold
*See video on SFCF members FB page for demo of wall-sits and options for bent over rows

Bodyweight WOD

A) 24 minute AMRAP:
20 forward/reverse odd object goblet lunges*
30 burpees
40 mountain climbers
50 prisoner air squats*
*See video on SFCF members FB page for demo of forward/reverse lunges and prisoner air squats

B) 3 rounds:
1 minute plank (weighted if possible) into 25 sit-ups
Rest 1 minute

Functional Bodybuilding @7:00am

2 Rounds
20 Plank Army Crawlers
20 Frog Pumps
10 Yoga Push-ups

A1) Kneeling Arnold Press: 8-10 Reps/arm
A2) Single Leg RDL: 10-12 Reps /Leg; Rest 2min

B1) Half-Kneeling Windmill: 6-8/arm
B2) B-Stance DB Hip Thrust: 8-10/Leg
B3) Side Star Plank: 20-40sec; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

C) 3 Sets for Quality
15 Sit-ups
10 Prisoner Kneeling to Standing
10 Diamond Push-ups
