Thursday, April 23rd 2020

cossack squats
lateral raises holding light objects
jump switch to perfect stretch
plank jacks

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) Single DB Linda
suitcase deadlifts per side
single arm db squat cleans per side
single arm db floor press per side

B) For quality:
weighted glute bridge thrusts (shoulders on elevate surface, weight on hips)
situps with hands interlocked behind neck

Bodyweight WOD

A) 12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) wall-sit
2) max alternating pistols or weighted step ups
3) handstand hold
4) max Z press with weighted backpack or odd object
*Try to do static holds for entire minute

B) 6 minute ascending ladder
1 plank to pushup
1 plank to squat
1 tuck jump
*Add 1 rep each round to each movement
*For plank to pushup, start in elbow plank and finish in plank on hands. Try to place hands where elbows are when coming up. Alternate leading hand on each rep.
*For plank to squat, start in a plank on your hands, then jump to the bottom of an air squat with your hands off the ground; for next rep jump back into a plank to start.
