Monday, April 27th 2020


10m shuttle runs
large arm circles forward + large arm circles backward
alternating unweighted single leg RDLs
feet together/knee together squats
*After each round perform 3 pushups + 1 wall walk + 10 second handstand hold

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 16 minute alternating EMOM:
1) max reps ascending ladder 1 pushup-1 rainbow plank -2 pushups-2 rainbow planks-3-3-etc.
2) max reps 1 db front squat + 1 db thruster
3) max reps weighted alternating russian step ups
4) rest

*If using one db, do db front squat + thruster on same arm for entire minute. Next round, switch hand holding db
*Search “rainbow planks” and “russian step-ups” on SFCF members Facebook page to see video demos.

B) 3 rounds for quality of:
15-20 db RDLs directly into 20-30 second reverse plank
Rest 30 seconds
7-10/side db renegade rows directly into 45 second elbow plank
Rest as needed
*No pushup with renegade rows. See facebook page for picture of reverse plank.

Bodyweight WOD

For time:
100 double unders
5 burpee backpack to overhead
10 goblet squats
15 sumo stance deadlifts
80 double unders
10 burpee backpack to overhead
15 goblet squats
20 sumo stance deadlifts
60 double unders
15 burpee backpack to overhead
20 goblet squats
25 sumo deadlifts
40 double unders
20 burpee backpack to overhead
25 goblet squats
30 sumo deadlifts
20 double unders
25 burpee backpack to overhead
30 goblet squats
35 sumo deadlifts
*For burpees, perform a burpee slightly behind backpack, then pick up backpack and snatch it overhead
*Use weighted backpack or odd object as the weight for goblet squats and deadlifts
*If doing single unders, double the reps. If no jumprope, sub 60-50-40-30-20 jumping jacks
