Tuesday, April 28th 2020


2 rounds of:
50 lateral line hops
30 second wall sit with arms locked out overhead
5 cuban presses holding light objects
5 Inchworm out to perfect stretch each leg
5 prisoner kang squats

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am): https://zoom.us/j/937394320?pwd=T1RoZXRxSTNDMVhQNERJNEJLM3N2Zz09

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am): https://zoom.us/j/798729293?pwd=cUxFZS9RODJwdk5sSGpaYnB4emVmdz09

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 4 rounds for time of:
50 double unders
12 single arm db power cleans
9 single arm db push press
6 single arm db OH squats
*Do all of db complex on one arm. Next round, switch arms. So you will do 2 rounds with each arm. On db power cleans touch one head of the db between feet. Make sure elbow finishes in front of db in full rack position.
*Sub 80 single unders or 50 lateral hops for double unders.
Rest 1 minute
4 rounds for time of:
50 mountain climbers
25 kb/db swings
*On rounds 1 and 3 do American swings. On rounds 2 and 4 do russian swings.

B) For quality:

6 tempo goblet squats
(5 seconds down-5 seconds up- no pause at top or bottom)

Then with one arm perform:
1-2-3-4-5 single db OH situp
2-4-6-8-10 db Z press
*So you will do 1 sit-up into 2 seated presses. Then 2 situps into 4 seated presses, until you get to 5 and 10. See SFCF members Facebook page for video demo of these

Then 6 tempo goblet squats

Then with other arm perform
1-2-3-4-5 single db OH sit-up
paired with
2-4-6-8-10 db Z press

Then 6 tempo goblet squats

Bodyweight WOD

100 alternating step ups for time wearing weighted backpack
Rest 90 seconds
Then 30-20-10
backpack push press
backpack bent over row
*After each round of push press and bent over rows perform 1-2 wall-walks
*So you will do 30 push press-wall walks-30 bent over row-wall walks-20 push press-wall walks-etc etc for a total of 6 sets of wall walks

Then 21-15-9
Mountain climbers
Rainbow planks
Mountain climbers
Rest 90 seconds
Then 100 alternating step ups for time wearing weighted backpack
