Wednesday, April 29th 2020

2 rounds of:
10 squat jacks
10 jump switch to perfect stretch
30 second superman arch hold
10 deadbugs
5 yoga pushups
5 windmills/side

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 6-8 left arm db snatches + 6-8 burpees over db
2) 6-8 right arm db snatches + 8-10 plank to squat

B) 3-4 rounds for quality of:
8/leg curtsy box step downs
10/leg single leg elevated glute bridges
10-12 lat pullovers

Bodyweight WOD

A) Every 4:30 minutes for 18 minutes (4 rounds) complete:
30 second plank hold on hands
10 plank shoulder taps
10 hand release pushups
10 plank shoulder taps
10 down up tuck jumps
30 air squats
30 second 90 degree squat hold
*Aim for 90 seconds to 2 minute rest. Adjust reps as needed.

B) 3 rounds for quality:
20 glute marches
10/side odd object single leg RDLs
20-30 second reverse plank

Functional Bodybuilding @7am

2 Rounds
6 Alt. Fwd/Rev Inch Worm
8 Alt. Windmill Lunges
10 Alt. Prisoner Single Leg RDLs
12 Scap Push-ups

A1) Glute Bridge Floor Press: 8-10 Reps
A2) Back-Loaded Split RDL: 8-10 Reps/Leg; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

B1) DB Windmill: 6-8/side
B2) Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 8-10 Reps/Leg
B3) Leg-up Side Plank: 20-30sec/Side; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

C) 3 Set Finisher:
8-10 Pull-Over Sit-ups
8-10/Leg Swinging Reverse Lunges
8-10 Alternating Side-Step Push-ups
