Friday, May 1st 2020


2 rounds of:
30 jumping jacks
8/side long stationary lunges with arms interlocked overhead
8/side elbow to ground and twist in perfect stretch
5/side kneeling T-spine rotations
5 prone Ys with 3 second hold each rep
10 steps forward bear crawl/10 steps backward bear crawl
*See SFCF members facebook page for video demo of T-spine rotations and prone Ys

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) Every 3 minutes for 18 minutes complete:
Run 200m
16-20 db suitcase carry lunges
30 lateral hops over db
*For run can sub approx 1 min of jump rope or 55-60 high knees + 55-60 butt kicks
*For lunges, hold db in one hand farmers carry style. Keep it in the same hand for all reps of one round. Next round, switch hand holding the db.

B) 16 minute upper body accessory work EMOM:
1) 10 reps of pushup + db plank pass through
2) 8-10 db gorilla rows/arm
3) max wall walks
4) rest
*See SFCF members Facebook page for video demo of pushup + db plank pass through

Bodyweight WOD

A) Run 400m
20 backpack clean and jerks
20 backpack overhead lunges
Rest 2 minutes
Run 400m
5 reps of (1 pushup + 2 rotational mountain climbers)
20 lateral hops over backpack
5 reps of (1 pushup + 2 rotational mountain climbers0
20 lateral hops over backpack
5 reps of (1 pushup + 2 rotational mountain climbers)
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat entire piece 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds of the Run/clean+ jerk/lunge and 3 rounds of the run/pushup/mountain climbers

*Scale down reps of clean and jerk/lunge if using a heavier backpack.
*See SFCF members Facebook page for video demo of pushup + rotational mountain climbers
