Saturday, May 2nd 2020


2 rounds of:
30 seconds down ups
8 bird dogs
20-30 second glute bridge hold
6 plank to pushup + 6 scap pushups
10 air squats with arms locked out overhead + 20 second hold on last rep

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) For time:
db suitcase deadlift
single arm db thruster
single arm db push jerk
*Use the same arm for reps 2 up to 10. Then do all movements with the other arms for reps 10 down to 2. For example you will do 2 left arm suitcase dls, 2 left arm thrusters, 2 left arm push jerks, 2 burpees, then 4 left arm dl, 4 left arm thrusters, 4 left arm jerks, 4 burpees, all the way up to 10. Then you start with the round of 10 on the right arm and go down to 2.

B) 3 rounds of:
1 minute plank on hands
*First 15 seconds lift left leg up slightly off ground. Second 15 seconds left right leg up slightly off ground. Third 15 seconds hold left knee near chest. Fourth 15 seconds hold right knee near chest
Rest 30 seconds
1 minute wall sit
*Can make more difficult by holding db or locking arms out overhead
Rest 30 seconds

Bodyweight WOD

A) 15 minute accessory work EMOM:
1) Right leg: 10 single leg glute bridge thrusts w/1 sec hold at top of each rep (Shoulders on bench/box/sofa)
2) Left leg: 10 single leg glute bridge thrusts w/1 sec hold
3) Right leg: 8-10 goblet cossack squats with 1 sec pause at bottom
4) Left leg: 8-10 goblet cossack squats with 1 sec pause at bottom
5) 30 second handstand hold
*For minute 5, you can sub plank hold, or to make it harder you can do 5 strict HSPU and then hold handstand for remaining of 30 seconds

B) 5 minute ascending ladder:
2-4-6-8-10..etc etc
backpack thruster
mountain climbers per side**
**These mountain climbers will be a different slower style. Each rep will finish with the front foot landing flat on the ground and directly outside of the same hand (just like the perfect stretch position)

C) Bodybuilding chipper finisher
50 backpack/odd object bent over rows
40 backpack bicep curls
30 backpack seated presses
20 backpack lat pullovers
*Keep a controlled tempo on all reps
