Monday, May 4th 2020


10 reps of 1 air squat + 1 broad jump
10 windmills/side
20 large arm circles forward/20 large arm circles backward
30 second plank + 5 tempo pushups + 20 shoulder taps
5 inchworm to perfect stretch each side
5 burpee tuck jumps

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 15 minute accessory work EMOM:
1) 10 left arm seated arnolds press (controlled tempo)
2) 10 right arm seated arnolds press
3) 10 goblet cossack squats with 1 sec pause @ bottom of each rep
4) 10 goblet cossack squats with 1 sec pause @ bottom of each rep
5) rest

B) For time:
db alternating hang snatch
single arm db OH squat
tuck jumps

*Do approx half reps of OH squats each set on left and half on right; it will be slightly uneven because of odd number.

C) 100 situps. Interlock hands behind head/neck.

Bodyweight WOD

A) 2 rounds for time:
50 burpees
60 jumping lunges
70 sit-ups
80 backpack back-rack weighted squats
