Friday, May 8th 2020


2 rounds of :
12 reps of 2 side shuffles plus lateral touch
bear crawl 12 steps forward + 12 steps backward
Crabwalk 12 steps forward + 12 steps backward
10 alternating step out to perfect stretch
5 prone Y’s with 2 second pause

Minimal Equipment WOD @8:00am with Coach Lisa
Bodyweight WOD @10:00am with Coach Chelsea

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 3x 4 minutes on 2 minutes off:
Buy in with 2 rounds of:
6 down up tuck jumps
30 mountain climbers
16 alt. db snatches
In remaining time, max rep db box step ups
*If not getting at least 30 seconds for step-ups, scale back reps of db snatches

B) Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes complete:
5-10 strict HSPU or box HSPU
10-12 lat pullovers
8-10/leg single leg weighted RDLs

Bodyweight WOD

3 total rounds for quality of:
10 backpack/odd object weighted forward reverse lunges
10/leg weighted russian step ups
10 weighted jumping lunges
*Hold backpack/odd object however you’d like while performing exercises
Rest 30-45 seconds
10-15 chair dips
15/side bear crawl shoulder taps
10-15 backpack/odd object Z press
15/side bear crawl shoulder taps
Rest 30-45 seconds
20 hollow rocks
20 second hollow hold
20 rainbow planks
20 second plank hold
Rest 90 seconds to 2 minutes before starting round 2

*Search “ab complex” on SFCF members facebook page and fast forward to 2:45 to see demo of bear crawl shoulder taps.
*Search ‘forward reverse lunges’ and ‘russian step-ups’ on FB page for demos of movements
