Saturday, June 20th 2020

Outdoor WOD

A) Go every 90 seconds for 10 rounds.
Power clean + Clean + push jerk
Reset between power clean and clean, no touch and go
Stay lighter and groove technique

B) 10 minute alt EMOM:
1) 10-15 thrusters (75-95lb/55-65lb)
2) 45 second plank

Home WOD

10x 40 secs on 20 secs off alternating between
1) max single arm db thrusters
*Switch hands every 10 reps
2) plank hold
B) 16 min Accessory work EMOM
1) 10 weighted left leg glute bridge thrusts
2) 10 right leg glute bridge thrusts
3) 10 upright rows
4) 10 lat pullovers
