Saturday, July 18th 2020

Outdoor WOD

A) 4-5 sets for quality of:
5 strict press + 4 push press + 3 push jerk.
*Choose a weight that is challenging for 5 strict press
Superset with 10 banded lat pull downs + 10 banded face pulls

B) 10 minute ascending ladder:
2-4-6-8-10-etc. etc.
box jump-overhead squat (95/65lb) -hand release pushup

Home WOD

A) 10 minute ascending ladder:
2-4-6-8-10-etc. etc.
db weight box step up-single arm db overhead squat-hand release pushup

B) 4-5 sets for quality of:
6 db strict press + 5 db push press + 4 db push jerk/arm
Superset with 10 lat pullovers+ 10 bent over rows
