Outdoor WOD
A) 21-15-9
db strict press (35/25lb) Rx+: (50/35lb)
db bench press (lie on back with shoulders on wallball)
*Run 200m w/wallball after every round.
Rest 3-5 minutes
B) 30-20-10
russian twists with wallball
V ups
bear crawl in and outs
*After every round run 200m with wallball.
*modify V ups to tuck ups or happy stars
Functional Bodybuilding Zoom Class
2 Sets
10 Alt. Beast to Leg-Thru
10 Alt Push-up to DB/KB Tap
4 Sumo Good Mornings + 3 Reverse Lunge L + 3 Reverse Lunge R
A1) Cyclist Thrusters: 4-6/side (3sec Descent)
A2) Pull-Overs: 8-10 Reps; Rest 90sec x 3 sets
B1) Single Leg RDL + Reverse Lunge: 6/leg
B2) Single Arm Plank + Row Isometric: 20-30sec Rest 90sec x 3 sets
C) Hot Tub Finisher
3 Sets
10 Towel Curls
20 Windshield Wipers (Total)
30 Bicycle Crunches (Total)