Outdoor WOD
A) 4×8 sumo deadlifts
Superset with 30 second arch hold and 5 L-sit seated pullups
*Or sub 8-10 controlled tempo rows on railing
*25 minute time cap
B) For time
Buy in: 10 alternating turkish get-ups (5/side)
Then complete
kb snatch (44-53lb/26-35lb)
single arm kb overhead squat
Then buy out: 50 lateral hops over kb
*11 minute time cap
*Stick to the same arm for one full round. So you will do 1 snatch + 1 oh squat on left side. Then 2 snatch + 2 overhead squat on right side. Then 3+ 3 on left side, 4+ 4 on right, etc. etc. The side that you do the even numbers on will perform 5 more reps of each movement compared to the other side.
*Modifications: If you can’t perform a kb snatch, use a db for the workout. If you can’t perform an overhead squat, do a single arm front rack squat.
Home WOD
A) 4 sets of:
10 sumo stance goodmornings (weight on back)
10 db sumo deadlifts
Superset with 30 second arch hold + 15 bent over rows holding one db with one head of db in each hand
B) For total time
Buy in: 10 alternating turkish get-ups (5/side)
Then complete
kb snatch
single arm kb overhead squat
Then buy out: 50 lateral hops over kb
*11 minute time cap
*Stick to the same arm for one full round. So you will do 1 snatch + 1 oh squat on left side. Then 2 snatch + 2 overhead squat on right side. Then 3+ 3 on left side, 4+ 4 on right, etc. etc. The side that you do the even numbers on will end perform 5 more reps of each movement compared to the other side.
*Modifications: If no kb, sub db hang snatches. If can’t perform and overhead squat, do a single arm front rack squat.