Outdoor WOD
A) For time:
Row 2000m-200 double unders-Run 2000m
*27 minute time cap
*For 2k run, run 4 building laps
* Rx+: For the cardio superstars:
Row 2.5K-250 double unders-2.5k (5 building laps) run
B) Coaches choice ab/accessory work
Outdoor WOD
A) For time:
Row 2000m-200 double unders-Run 2000m
*27 minute time cap
*For 2k run, run 4 building laps
* Rx+: For the cardio superstars:
Row 2.5K-250 double unders-2.5k (5 building laps) run
B) Coaches choice ab/accessory work
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