Outdoor WOD
A) 1 (squat) Clean + 3 front squats + 1 split jerk
Work up to a heavy complex in 16 minutes
B) For time:
2 rounds of
40 deadlifts
30 hang power cleans
20 split jerks
10 front squats
*17 minute time cap
Rx: (95-115lb/65-75lb) Rx+: (135/95lb)
Home WOD
A) 3 sets of
8-10/leg single leg RDLs
10 goblet knees to standing directly into 10 goblet squats
Rest as needed before next round
B) For time:
2 rounds of
25/side db suitcase deadlifts
20/side alternating db hang power cleans
15/side db split jerks
10 goblet squats