Labor Day Schedule
Hero WOD
Hotshots 19
6 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
30 air squats
19 power cleans (135/95lb)
7 strict pullups*
*40 minute time cap
*For strict pullups, sub pullups on railing, rows on railing, or bent over rows with weighted barbell.
1) Scale weight of power cleans accordingly
2) This can be done as a socially distant partner workout. Both partners will run at the same time but split up reps of air squats, power cleans and pullups, with one person working at a time in their own parking space
Home WOD
Hotshots 19 db version
6 rounds for time of:
Run 400m*
30 air squats
19 alt db snatches
7 db bent over rows per side
*40 minute time cap
*If not running sub 2 minutes jumprope, 2 minutes step ups or 55 jumping jacks + 55 high knees+ 55 butt kicks