Outdoor WOD
A) 45 second weighted elbow plank + 10-15 (no arm swing) abmat situps
Go every 2 minutes for 4 rounds
B) Row intervals
3×2 minutes on 2 minutes off
Then 4×1 minute on 1 minute off
Then 5x 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
*This will take 25 minutes start to finish
*Choose a goal pace to maintain for each time interval
Functional Bodybuilding Zoom
2 Sets
8/side Rotating Bird Dogs
8/side Figure 4 to Pigeon
8/side Rotational Curtsy Squat
8 Beast to Push-ups
A1) Ballet Squat: 6-8 Reps/side
A2) Single arm Z-Press: 8-10 Reps/arm Rest 90sec x 3 Sets
B1) Single Leg Bent Over Row: 8-10 Reps/side
B2) Shin Box Hip Extensions: 8-10 Reps/side
B3) Overhead Split Squat Isometric Hold: 30sec/side; Rest 90sec x 3 Sets
C) 3 Sets for Quality:
10 Curl to Goblet Kneeling to Standing
10 Single Leg Hand-Off Swings
10 Skater Hand-offs