Friday, September 11th 2020

Outdoor WOD

A) Build to a heavy power snatch double.
No touch and go. Drop and reset between reps.
Then 3-4 sets x3 snatch high pull @ 110% of double
(focus on tight, patient first pull and don’t pull with the arms until legs and hips reach extension and shoulders shrug)
*20 minute time cap

B) 10 minute AMRAP:
6 power snatch (95/65lb)
8 overhead squat
10 box jump (24/20″)
**Air quality permitting

Home WOD

A) 16 minute EMOM:
1) 45 second goblet squat wall sit
2) 6-8 db presses/side in half kneeling position (bottom of lunge)
3) 10 kb/db high pulls
4) 30 second handstand hold

B) 10 minute AMRAP:
8 alt. db snatch – 10 db overhead squat -12 box jump

*If no box jumps, sub down ups. Use same arm on db overhead squats for one full round. On consecutive round, switch arms.
