Outdoor WOD
*Classes subject to cancellation if air quality is 200+/very unhealthy range
A) 4 sets for quality of:
8 goblet reverse lunges directly into 8 goblet split squats (per side)
Superset with 15 banded good mornings + 10 banded monster walk steps left + 10 monster walk steps right
B) Buy in: 100 double unders
Then 10 rounds of:
4 burpees over db-5 single arm db split jerk-6 single arm db thrusters (50/35lb)
Buy out: 100 double unders
*Stick with the same arm for a full round, switch arms on consecutive rounds.
Home WOD
A) 4 sets for quality of:
8 goblet reverse lunges directly into 8 goblet split squats (per side). Superset with
15 weighted good mornings + 15 weighted glute bridge thrusts.
B) Buy in: 100 double unders
Then 10 rounds of:
4 burpees over db-5 single arm db split jerk-6 single arm db thrusters (50/35lb)
Buy out: 100 double unders
*Stick with the same arm for a full round, switch arms on consecutive rounds.