Outdoor WOD
A) Every 4:30 minutes for 5 rounds complete:
30 second db overhead static hold
10 db push press
10 db front squats
10 db power cleans
10 goblet box step ups (5/leg to a 20/18″ box)
Rx: 35/25lb
Rx+: 50/35lb
*All the movements are performed with two dbs except for the goblet box step ups which just use one.
*Adjust reps down or up as needed to get approx. 1:30-2 minutes rest each round
B) 3-4 rounds for quality:
10/leg single leg elevated glute bridges (one foot on 20/18″ box)
20 hollow rocks
10 db plank drag throughs
Rest 1 minute after each round
*12 minute time cap
Home WOD
A) 5 rounds
Rest 2 minutes after each round
30 second db overhead static hold
(hold one hand on each head of db)
10/side db push press
12 db goblet squats
12 alt. db power cleans
10 goblet box step ups (5/leg)
B) 3-4 rounds for quality:
10/leg single leg elevated glute bridges
20 hollow rocks
10 db plank drag throughs
Rest 1 minute after each round.