Thursday, September 17th 2020

Outdoor WOD

A) 4 rounds for quality
Rest 1 minute after each round
Weighted bear crawl forward + backward (approx the length of the parking spot down and then backwards back to the start) + 12 OH plate situps

B) Row intervals
*Repeat from last week since most classes were cancelled*
3×2 minutes on 2 minutes off
4×1 minute on 1 minute off
5 x 30 seconds on 30 seconds off

Functional Bodybuilding Zoom

2 sets
10 Bird Dogs/side
10 Bridge-ups
10 Body Weight Geofferson Curls
5 Plank Walk-outs + 5 Plank to Down Dog

A1) Single Leg Hip Thrust: 8-10 reps/side
A2) Glute Bridge Prayer Press: 8-10 reps Rest 90sec x 3 Sets

B1) Cross-body Geofferson Curls: 6-8 Reps/side (3sec Down/Up)
B2) Alt. Kneeling Hip-to-Halo: 8-10 Reps/side; Rest 90sec x 3 sets

C) 3 Sets for Quality
8-10 Bicep Curl Eccentrics (3sec) 
10-12 Kneeling Tricep Extensions
12-14 Supinated Leg Lowering (3sec descent)
