Sunday, September 27th 2020

Functional Bodybuilding Onsite and Online


2 Rounds

10 Plank to Down Dog Toe Taps

10 Alt. Curtsy to Cossack Squats

5 Glute Bridge Marches

A1) Arnold Z-Press: 8-10/arm

A2) Split RDL+ Row: 8-10/Side; Rest 90sec x 3 Sets

B1) DB Half-Kneeling Windmill Press: 6-8 Reps/Side

B2) Goblet Cossack Squat: 8-10 Reps/Leg

B3) Goblet Squat Hold w/Pulse: 20-30sec Rest 90sec x 3 Sets

C) 3 Set Finisher

10-12 reps/side of all Movements:

Alt. Curl-Halo-Tricep Extension Complex 

Floor Press w/twist

Single Arm weighted crunches 
