Outdoor WOD
A) Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds complete
A) 8-10 strict press + 10 banded bicep curls
B) 8-10 rows on railing + 8-10 banded lat pulldown
B) 15 minute alt. EMOM:
1) reset deadlifts (185/135lb) or (225/155lb)
2) 1 pushup + 1 per side knee to elbow touch
3) pvc pipe situps
4) weighted cossack squats
5) 5 rest
*Athletes work for entire minute. Focus is on quality of reps. For minute 2, after the pushup, athlete brings their knee laterally to touch the outside of their elbow, then back to a plank and repeats with other leg. For cossack squats weight can just be an extra plate or a db or kb.