Outdoor WOD
A) 4×6 tempo touch and go deadlifts.
3 second descent, very light touch
Superset with 7-10 strict tempo pushups (2020) + 10 supermans (arch ups)
B) 3 rounds for time of:
15 front squats
10 bar facing burpees
30 double unders
*10 minute time cap
*Rx: 115/75lb Rx+: 135/95lb
Home WOD
A) 4×8/leg db weighted glute bridge thrusts.
Superset with 4×8 tempo RDLs, 3 seconds down 1 up.
B) 8 minute alt. EMOM:
1) 10-12 supermans
2) 7-10 tempo pushups (2020)
B) 3 rounds for time of:
20 single arm db front squats (10/side)
10 db facing burpees
30 double unders or lateral hops over db