Outdoor WOD
A) 4×12 (6/side)
front rack lunges for load.
Go every 2:30 minutes
B) 3 sets for quality:
25 strict situps directly into 30 second hollow hold
Then 30 second goblet 90 degree squat hold + 10 goblet knees to standing + 15 speed goblet squats (53/35lb)
Then 10 hang muscle snatches + 10 behind the neck snatch grip push presses (light weight)
Home WOD
A) 4×8-10/side goblet reverse lunges.
Rest 90 seconds after each set.
B) 3 sets for quality:
25 sit-ups directly into 30 second hollow hold
Then 30 second goblet 90 degree squat hold + 10 goblet knees to standing + 15 fast goblet squats
Then 10 left arm db hang snatches + 10 left arm db push press + 10 right arm db hang snatches + 10 right arm db push press