Thursday, October 22nd 2020

Outdoor WOD

12 minute alt. EMOM:
1) 5-8 box strict HSPU, first rep 5 second descent
2) 10 kb upright rows, controlled descent
3) 1 turkish get up/side
*Modify minute 1 to strict pushups with a 5 second descent on first rep

B) Every 5 mins for 4 rounds complete:
12 kb box step overs (20/18″ box )
100 meter farmers carry (count 60 steps out and 60 steps back from wherever you are)
60 double unders

Rx: 53/35lb kbs, one kb for box step overs
Rx+: 2 kbs for box step overs.
*Scale down step overs or farmers carry if not getting at least 1 minute rest.
