Tuesday, May 9th 2017


A) Push press + Push Jerk + Split jerk. Go every 90 seconds for 10 rounds.

*Start light and ascend in weight as form allows

B) 30 db alternating muscle snatches (50/35lb)

4 rope climbs

20 db alternating power snatches

4 rope climbs

10 db alternating squat snatches

4 rope climbs


5 rope climbs per round. 60-70lb/40-50lb

Metcon class 

A) 5 rounds of 10 double kb deadlifts (53/35lb)-10 double kb swings (w/kbs on outside of feet when swinging)-100m farmers carry

B) 12 min alternating EMOM: 1) 10 seated kb seesaw press (5/side) 2) 10-12 single arm OH kb squats (5-6 w/each arm up)
