Crossfit A) Partner WOD: 300 double unders *Person not doing double unders must be doing dead hang on rig for reps to count Then I-go-you-go for 10 rounds total of DT: 1 round of DT is 12 deadlifts-9 hang power… Read more »
Workout of the Day
Friday, August 25th 2017
Crossfit A) 12 minute EMOM 1) Push press 6 reps 2) kb Suit case deadlift x6-8/side 3) rest B) 1000m row 50 pullups 40 American kb swings (53/35lb) 30 db lunges (35/25lb) 20 db thrusters 1x length of rig HS… Read more »
Thursday, August 24th 2017
Crossfit A) Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes complete: 10-12 toes to bar-3 heavyish snatches (any style) (135-185lb/95-135llb)-10 bar over burpees B) 6×20 secs on 20 secs off alternating between 1) Bottom of front squat hold (135/95lb) 2) Overhead hold… Read more »
Wednesday, August 23rd 2017
Crossfit A) back squat 5×5@75%. Superset w/L-seated kb seesaw press 10 reps (5/side) B) 10 minute AMRAP: 7 deadlifts (225/155lb)-10 box jumps-13 wallballs Rx-Plus 275/185lb Metcon Class A) 3 rounds for time of Run 800m-30 db hang squat cleans (35/25lb)-30… Read more »
Tuesday, August 22nd 2017
Crossfit A) 10 min EMOM: 1-2 power cleans w/1 second pause in catch position *Ascending weight, but stay at each weight for at least 2 rounds B) 3 rounds for time: slamball hill run (30/20lb)-30 squats w/slamball-10 handstand pushups Rx-Plus… Read more »
Monday, August 21st 2017
Crossfit A) Gymnastic Skills Practice Choose rep scheme based on ability: (10-8-6-4-2) or (12-10-8-6-4) or (14-12-10-8-6) or (16-14-12-10-8) kipping/butterfly pullups *After each set 30 second handstand hold *Then rest 30-60 seconds B) 6 minute AMRAP: 30 double unders-2 power cleans… Read more »
Saturday, August 19th 2017
Crossfit Partner WOD: Run 400m 80 wallballs Run 400m 80 clean and jerks (95/65lb) Run 400m w/partner 80 toes to bar Run 400m w/partner 80 front squats (95/65lb) Run 400m w/partner 80 box jumps Run 400m w/partner *Athletes run together… Read more »
Friday, August 18th 2017
Crossfit 12 minute EMOM: 1) 8 front rack lunges 2) 40ft HS walk or 2 wall walks 3) 8-10 db RDLs B) 4 rounds for time of : Broad jump 50ft-14 chest to bar pullups or 7 bar muscle ups-weighted… Read more »
Thursday, August 17th 2017
Crossfit A) 21-15-9-6-3 unbroken thrusters. *Ascend in weight each set. *Start at 75/55lb or 95/65lb or 115/75lb. *Rest 2-3 minutes after each set. B) I-go-you-go Partner WOD: 200/150 calorie row *Switch off every 20/15 calories. *For male/female partners, row 175… Read more »
Wednesday, August 16th 2017
Crossfit A) back squat 2×5@70%. Then 3×5 @75%. Superset with 5-10 tempo bar/ring dips. *Tempo 3 seconds down/fast up B) 10 minute amrap: 8 deadlifts-8 hang power cleans (135/95lb)-8 burpee box jumps Rx-Plus 155/105lb Metcon Class A) 2 rounds for… Read more »