Crossfit A) 10-8-6-4-2 unbroken touch and go power snatches *Ascending weight as reps go down *Take ~2 minutes rest after each set *16 minute cap B) 3 rounds for time: Run 400mw/wallball (20/14lb)-15 pullups-30 jumping lunges Rx-Plus 20 pullups
Workout of the Day
Saturday, February 24th 2018
Crossfit Partner WOD 10 rounds (total) I-go-you-go: 50 DU + 10 deadlifts (185/135lb) or (225/155lb) + 10 hand release pushups Then 10 rounds (total) I-go-you-go: 200m run + 10 burpees. *One athlete goes through entire round before next athlete can… Read more »
Friday, February 23rd 2018
Crossfit Open WOD 18.1 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 8 toes-to-bars 10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks (5 per arm) (50/35lb) 14/12 cal. row *Scaled division: hanging knee raises and 35/20lb db *Go to… Read more »
Thursday, February 22nd 2018
Crossfit A) 4×8 seated Z-press. Superset with 5-7 tempo strict pullups (2020) B) 12 minute AMRAP: 2 rope climbs-4 squat snatch (135/95lb)-8 alternating pistols Rx-Plus 155/105lb Metcon Class 6 rounds for time: 5 toes to bar-10 erg burpees-15 cal row-20… Read more »
Wednesday, February 21st 2018
Crossfit A) 9x 30 seconds on 45 seconds off alternating between 1) kipping HSPU 2) kipping/butterfly pullups 3) hollow rocks *3 rounds of each movement B) 4 rounds for time 15 db thrusters-15 box jumps-15 db power cleans (35/25lb) Rx-Plus… Read more »
Tuesday, February 20th 2018
Crossfit A) Work up to a heavy 5 back squat Then do 1-2 sets of 5 @ 75-80% of heavy 5 *20 minute cap B) 5 minute AMRAP: 21-15-9 hang power clean (95/65lb)-bar over burpee Rest 3 minutes Repeat *This… Read more »
Monday, February 19th 2018
Crossfit A) 10-8-6-4-2 Touch and go power clean and jerks *Ascending weight as reps go down. *Take ~2 minutes rest after each set *16 minute cap B) 10 rounds total I-go-you-go style with partner: 20/16 calorie row-15 toes to bar
Saturday, February 17th 2018
Crossfit A) Partner WOD @minute 0: 4 minute AMRAP of double unders @minute 4: 3 minute AMRAP of thrusters (95/65lb) @minute 7: 2 minute AMRAP of pullups @ minute 9: 2 minute rest @ minute 11: 4 minute AMRAP double… Read more »
Friday, February 16th 2018
Crossfit For time: 100m db lunge (35/25lb) 100ft weighted bear crawl Run 1 mile 100m db overhead carry 100ft broad jump Rx-Plus 50/35lb dbs
Thursday, February 15th 2018
Crossfit A) 4×8 RDLS. Superset with 10 db Z press. B) 12 minute alternating EMOM: 1) 10 power snatches (75/55lb) 2) 12-15 burpees 3) 12-15 box jumps (24/20″) Rx-Plus 15 power snatches-15 burpees-15 box jumps Metcon Class A) 6×20 secs… Read more »