Outdoor WOD 25 unbroken deadlifts (135/95lb) or (155/105lb)Building lap + hill loop run* 20 unbroken power cleansBuilding lap + hill loop run15 unbroken push jerksBuilding lap + hill loop run 10 unbroken overhead squats *If you break any set of… Read more »
Juliet Starrett
Saturday, August 8th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 12 minute EMOM: 1) 10 db lat pullovers on wallball 2) 10 db gorilla rows/arm 3) 30 second flutter kicks with db locked out over chest B) 4 rounds for time of: 15 db thrusters15 box jumps… Read more »
Friday, August 7th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes complete 8-10/leg single leg kb/db RDL + 10 goblet kang squats (50-70lb/35-50lb db or kb) *On single leg RDLs, hold kb in opposite hand of leg that you are standing on…. Read more »
Thursday, August 6th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Snatch deadlift w/pause slightly off ground + power snatch+ overhead squat. Go every 75 seconds for 10 rounds. *Ascend in weight as form allows. *Reset after snatch deadlift. No touch & go. B) 3 rounds for total… Read more »
Wednesday, August 5th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 10×30 seconds on 30 seconds off: Max calorie rowRest 5 minutes then… B) For time: Row 1200/1000m20 pushups30 plank db taps40 lateral hops over erg50 alt. db snatches (50/35lb)40 lateral hops over erg30 plank db taps20 pushups… Read more »
Tuesday, August 4th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds complete: 10 romanian deadlifts @ medium challenging weight of choice B) 10 minute EMOM: Min 1) 1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 split jerk Min 2) 1 power… Read more »
Monday, August 3rd 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Every 2.5 minutes for 5 rounds complete: 8 db Z press (35/25lb) Rx+ (50/35lb)4 tempo pushups (2020)8 db floor press4 tempo pushups B) Every 90 seconds for 4 rounds complete: 10 second L-sit hold on dbs10 seated… Read more »
Sunday, August 2nd 2020
Outdoor WOD 5 rounds for total time: 10 alt. db snatches (50-70lb/35-50lb )20 burpees30 air squats Rest 2:30 minute after each round. Functional Bodybuilding Zoom Warm-up:2 sets10 Bird Dogs/side10 Bridge-ups10 Body Weight Geofferson Curls5 Plank Walk-outs + 5 Plank to… Read more »
Saturday, August 1st 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 4-5 sets of : 5 strict press + 4 push press + 3 push jerkSuperset with10-15 banded lat pull downs + 10-15 banded face pulls*Choose a weight that is challenging for 5 strict press. B) 15 minute… Read more »
Friday, July 31st 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes complete 30 seconds slingshot/hip circle monster walk + 8 pause back squats @ challenging weight of choice *Try to find a tight slingshot/hip circle to use. Stay in a quarter squat… Read more »