Workout of the Day

Friday, June 7th 2019

Crossfit A) Deadlifts 4×6 reps @ 70-75% Superset with 50ft farmers carry walking lunge B) 50 thrusters for time (135/95lb) or (115/75lb)Every time you break 8 bar facing burpees *15 minute cap Rx-Plus155/105lb

Tuesday, June 4th 2019

Crossfit A) Go every 90 seconds for 8 rounds: Snatch high pull + Snatch + Overhead squat B) 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 burpee- Overhead squat (95/65lb) *15 minute cap Metcon Class A) Accumulate 3 minutes in a handstand. Then 150 wallballs (20/14lb). *Everytime… Read more »