Outdoor WOD Geoff B-Day WOD Buy in: 39 pushups Then 11 rounds of: 12 box jumps (24/20”) 3 Db overhead squats (50/35lb) 9 Db push jerks (Stick with same arm for one full round. Switch arms on consecutive rounds. One… Read more »
Workout of the Day
Thursday, November 12th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Find a heavy clean and jerk B)” Air force” Complete 20 thrusters20 sumo deadlift high pulls20 push jerks20 overhead squats20 front squats (95/65lb) EMOM 4 burpees (including 1st minute)*13 minute time cap
Wednesday, November 11th 2020
Outdoor WOD Partner WOD Partner A completes 5 rounds: 10 American kB swings (53/35lb) + 10 goblet lunges While Partner B does max cal row Then switch (partner B does 5 rounds while partner A rows) Partner A completes 4… Read more »
Tuesday, November 10th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 3 building laps for time B) Linda (modified)10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1deadliftpower cleanfloor press135/95lb
Saturday, November 7th 2020
Outdoor WOD Partner WOD I go-you-go style for 3 rounds each: Run 200m + 20 alt. db snatches (50/35lb) Then I-go-you-go style 3 rounds each of: 10 db burpee suitcase deadlifts (5/side)-15 box jumpsThen 3 rounds each of I-go-you-go style… Read more »
Friday, November 6th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 4 super sets: 10 back squats (controlled descent) + 5/side pistols Rest 90 seconds after each set B) 5-4-3-2-1 cluster (135/95lb) or (155/105lb) *Run 200m after each round *Cluster should be heavyish weight performed in quick singles… Read more »
Thursday, November 5th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 1 below the knee hang snatch + 1 snatch. Go every 75 seconds for 8 rounds. (reset between reps) B) 14 minute AMRAP: 3 (squat) snatches (135/95lb)6 pushups9 abmat situps12 jumping lunges Rx+: 155/105lb *Most likely snatches… Read more »
Wednesday, November 4th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes complete: 10-12 railing rows10 db lat pullover (shoulders on slamball) 5/side db plank drag through + renegade row B) 5×30 secs on 30 seconds off: max calorie row 5×30 secs on… Read more »
Tuesday, November 3rd 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Find a heavy 6 strict press. Then do 3x 8-12 push press at same weight B) 4 rounds for time of: 15 hang squat cleans (95/65lb)-50 double unders C) Coaches abs of choice
Monday, November 2nd 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes complete: 10-12 db/kb RDLS (1 in each hand) + 7/leg single leg elevated glute bridges (slight pause at top of each rep) + 6/side box curtsy step downs (unweighted). B) 4… Read more »