Workout of the Day

Saturday, October 31st 2020

Outdoor WOD A) 4 sets: 8-10/side half kneeling db press. Superset with 10-12 windshield wipers B) For time: 50 double unders40 burpees30 deadlifts20 hang power cleans10 push press20 hang power cleans30 deadlifts40 burpees50 double unders Rx: (135/95lb) Rx+ (155/105lb)

Wednesday, October 28th 2020

Outdoor WOD A) 9 minute EMOM: 1 below knee hang power clean + 1 below knee hang clean B) 4 rounds for time of: 12 thrusters (95/65lb)10 hand release pushups8 squat snatches6 bar facing burpees *15 minute time cap

Saturday, October 24th 2020

Outdoor WOD A) 4 sets: 8-10 Arnolds press. Superset with 20 PVC pipe situps B) For time: 50-40-30-20-10 wallball squat cleans (20/14lb) * 10 devils press after each round (2×35/25lb)(Rx+: 50/35lb) *Modification: single arm alt. devils press