Outdoor WOD A) 4 sets: 8-10/side half kneeling db press. Superset with 10-12 windshield wipers B) For time: 50 double unders40 burpees30 deadlifts20 hang power cleans10 push press20 hang power cleans30 deadlifts40 burpees50 double unders Rx: (135/95lb) Rx+ (155/105lb)
Workout of the Day
Friday, October 30th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 4×12 alt. front rack lunges. Go every 2:30 B) 3 sets for quality Core superset: 20 hollow rocks + 15 V ups + 10 leg lifts lying on back 30-45 sec restThen Upper body superset: 5 railing… Read more »
Thursday, October 29th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 12 minute alt. EMOM: 1) 20 box inverted shoulder taps 2) 8/side db renegade rows 3) 8/side floor press B) 4 rounds, each for time Rest 2 minutes after every round Rounds 1 and 3: 30 lateral… Read more »
Wednesday, October 28th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 9 minute EMOM: 1 below knee hang power clean + 1 below knee hang clean B) 4 rounds for time of: 12 thrusters (95/65lb)10 hand release pushups8 squat snatches6 bar facing burpees *15 minute time cap
Tuesday, October 27th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 6x 3 minutes on 2 minutes off alternating between 1 and 2. 1) Max distance row 2) Run 400m then AMRAP 10 kb swings (53/35lb) + 10 air squats
Monday, October 26th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 4×8 tempo touch and go deadlifts. 3 second descent, very light touch. *Last week of these deadlifts. Superset with 7 strict tempo pushups (2020) + 10 supermans B) 8 minute ascending ladder: 1-2-3-4-5 power clean and split… Read more »
Saturday, October 24th 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 4 sets: 8-10 Arnolds press. Superset with 20 PVC pipe situps B) For time: 50-40-30-20-10 wallball squat cleans (20/14lb) * 10 devils press after each round (2×35/25lb)(Rx+: 50/35lb) *Modification: single arm alt. devils press
Friday, October 23rd 2020
Outdoor WOD A) Tempo Front squats: 4×6 reps (tempo 4 seconds down, fast up)Go every 2:30 minutes B) 3 sets for quality: 8/leg single leg db/kb RDLs + 10 tempo barbell good mornings (3 second negative, fast up) + 6… Read more »
Thursday, October 22nd 2020
Outdoor WOD 12 minute alt. EMOM: 1) 5-8 box strict HSPU, first rep 5 second descent 2) 10 kb upright rows, controlled descent 3) 1 turkish get up/side *Modify minute 1 to strict pushups with a 5 second descent on… Read more »
Wednesday, October 21st 2020
Outdoor WOD A) 9 min EMOM : 1 below knee hang power snatch + 1 below knee hang snatch @ ~65% 1RM B) 5 rounds for time of: 21 KBS (53/35lb)- 15 OHS (95/65) -run 200m